The following people have reportedly been:
(A) CIA assets
(B) involved in the drugs trade:
1. Osama bin Laden
2. David Headley, planner of the 2008 Mumbai attacks
3. Dawood Ibrahim, drug lord
4. Pakistan's president Zia ul Haq
5. Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, drug lord from Afghanistan
6. Monzer al Kassar, drug lord linked to Lockerbie.

How might the CIA be financing al Qaeda?
By involvement with drugs gangs?
At the time of Iran-Contra, Monzer al Kassar reportedly helped the CIA smuggle drugs out of Lebanon. (LOCKERBIE AND THE FINANCING OF 9 11)
In Pakistan the CIA worked with President Zia-ul-Haq, who "was running the drug trade."
In Afghanistan the CIA worked with Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, who was the top figure running the drug trade. (The Imperial Anatomy of Al-Qaeda. The CIA's Drug-Running ...)
Bin Laden, according to an official source, used profits from the drug trade to finance al Qaeda. (Los Angeles Times, September/15/01)
According to the New York Times, on 12/10/01, al-Qaeda's mujahedin worked with the US in Bosnia.
"Militants linked to Al Qaeda ... established connections with Bosnian organized crime figures.
"Officials said Al Qaeda ... found a route for the trafficking of heroin from Afghanistan into Europe through the Balkans."
Thus, the CIA knew that al-Qaeda was involved in heroin-trafficking. (Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, the Northern Alliance, and Drug-Trafficking)

David Headley worked for the US Drug Enforcement Administration.
The "close institutional relationship between the DEA and the CIA continues up to the present day". (Alfred W. McCoy)
According to Daniel Hopsicker: Barry Seal "told investigators that between March 1984, and August 1985, he made a quarter-million dollars smuggling up to 15,000 kilos of cocaine while working for the DEA." (Barry Seal)
On 11 February 2010, Forbes reported
1. Al Qaeda (CIA) in North Africa ... "appears to be involved in the trafficking of Latin American cocaine through Africa to Spain".
2. Michael Braun, chief of operations at the DEA until 2008, says "There is more clear evidence showing al Qaeda's (CIA's) growing involvement in the Afghan heroin trade on the Pakistan side of the border."
3. Dawood Ibrahim runs a 5,000 member gang involved in narcotics and operates mostly from Pakistan, India and the United Arab Emirates.
According to the US government, Ibrahim shares smuggling routes with al Qaeda (CIA) and has worked with both al Qaeda and its affiliate, Lashkar-e-Taiba.
Lashkar has been blamed for carrying out the 2008 Mumbai attacks, possibly with Ibrahim's help.
4. According to a federal indictment, in 2006 a Pakistani financier for Lashkar-e-Taiba handed David Headley of Chicago $25,000 to conduct video surveillance in India in preparation for the Mumbai attack.
"Arif Qasmani, a chief Lashkar coordinator who has raised funds from crime boss Ibrahim, has been providing al Qaeda with supplies and weapons.
"In return al Qaeda loaned to Lashkar operatives who helped carry out the 2006 train bombings in Mumbai."
"The CIA created a unit in Haiti, whose purported purpose was anti-drug activity, but was in reality 'used as an instrument of political terror', and was heavily involved in drug trafficking.
"The members of the unit were known to torture Aristide supporters... According to one U.S. official, the unit was trafficking drugs and never produced any useful drug intelligence" [11]
(CIA drug trafficking - Wikipedia)
According to Peter Dale Scott, Mexico's intelligence agency, the Dirección Federal de Seguridad, was in part a CIA creation.
DFS badges, "handed out to top-level Mexican drug-traffickers, have been labelled by DEA agents a virtual 'license to traffic.'"[7]
Scott says that "The Guadalajara Cartel, Mexico's most powerful drug-trafficking network in the early 1980s, prospered largely because it enjoyed the protection of the DFS, under its chief Miguel Nassar (or Nazar) Haro, a CIA asset."[7] (CIA drug trafficking - Wikipedia)
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