On 17 January 2011, in Slate, Christopher Hitchens asked if Tunisia's Jasmine Revolution was progress or regression?
He sniffs something fishy.
Hitchens notes that, visiting Tunisia, he could see that it was "publicly dedicated to modernity and secularism and development."
Hitchens observed that Tunisia did not have a massive and wasteful military.
Nor did it have an exorbitant dictator who named every building after himself.
"One found the political atmosphere constipated and conformist rather than ... terrifying."

Hitchens remembers Edward Said telling him that he'd enjoy a trip to Tunisia: "You should go there, Christopher. It's the gentlest country in Africa. Even the Islamists are highly civilized."
According to Hitchens: the Tunisian parliament was unusual in the region for having a Jewish senator.
"Along the boulevards, young couples in jeans held hands without awkwardness."
He seldom saw a headscarf, let alone a veil or burqa.
He talked to a female professor of theology named Mongia Souahi.
She is the author of a serious scholarly work explaining why the veil has no authority in the Quran.
Exiled Tunisian Islamist Rachid al-Ghannouchi declared her to be a kuffar, or unbeliever.
Hitchens notes: "This, as everybody knows, is the prelude to declaring her life to be forfeit as an apostate.
"I was slightly alarmed to see Ghannouchi and his organization, Hizb al-Nahda, described in Sunday's New York Times as 'progressive,' and to learn that he is on his way home from London."
The spooks, who toppled President Ben Ali, are running a campaign to discredit Ben Ali and his wife Leila.
Leila, the wife of Tunisia's ousted ruler, "has fled the country with 1.5 tonnes of gold worth more than £35m", according to a senior French intelligence source. (Tunisian president's wife Leila Trabelsi fled riots with £35m in ...)
Saddam was about to hit us with weapons of mass destruction?
Osama bin Laden is still alive?
A spokesman for the Central Bank of Tunisia has said Leila Trabelsi "has never set foot here". (Tunisian bank denies gold taken by wife of president)
The Central Bank of Tunisia has categorically denied the release of gold reserves from the central bank. (BCT denies officially the affair of Leila Ben Ali's 1.5 tons of gold)
It looks as if the French were involved in this coup to wreck Tunisia?
We are being lied to about Leila (above)
Leila Ben Ali founded the Basma Association in 2000 to help secure employment for the disabled, and 'has chaired the organization ever since'.
Under her leadership the association has provided micro-finance loans, secured employment for many and opened a center for the disabled in October 2010.[5]
The center provides technical training in a number of fields including computer science, embroidery, carpentry, theater and music.[6]
The First Lady also started SAIDA, an initiative to improve cancer treatment, in 2010.
Mrs. Ben Ali was active in S.O.S. Gammarth and El Karama, which provide care for orphans and promote and protect human rights, respectively.[7][8]
Leila Ben Ali established the Arab Women’s commission for International Humanitarian Law which serves to promote international humanitarian law by increasing awareness and providing training programs for governments and humanitarian organizations.
Sarkozy, alleged agent of the CIA, refused Ben Ali entry into France.
The first lady has also made domestic violence prevention a major priority of the AWO, and has called for greater public attention and reporting of violence against women in the home.[9]
In a recent interview in Trends Magazine, the First Lady asserted the importance of Arab women in sustainable development and bettering the Arab women’s image were her main objectives as president of the AWO.[6]
The first lady has been recognized for her contributions to these organizations in a variety of publications.
In 2000, she was selected as the "World Family Personality" and in 2003 deemed "Person of the Year" in the Russian magazine The World of the Woman, for her activities to promote social welfare and women's rights.
More recently, the first lady was chosen as one of the world's 50 most influential Arabs by Middle East Magazine, a publication based in London.[10]
She has been commended for her work with the AWO to increase women's capacity in all fields and positions, and for increasing cooperation among Arab states on women's issues.[9]
The first lady has also been recognized by the World Association of Women Entrepreneurs (FCEM) for her role in empowering women in economic development.[11]According to Google: not many people have read: TUNISIA R.I.P. - THE CIA'S JASMINE REVOLUTION
Who were the mysterious snipers on rooftops who shot civilians and helped stir up discontent?
On 16 January 2011, it was reported that Tunisia TV said four people had been arrested with German passports
"Tunisian police arrested four people carrying German passports over a shooting incident near the headquarters of an opposition party in the capital on Sunday, state television said, quoting a security source.
And, Gunmen held in Tunis had Swedish passports: police
"Two gunmen who fired shots outside the headquarters of Tunisia's PDP opposition party in the center of the capital on Sunday had Swedish passports, Tunisian police said...
"Earlier an opposition party statement said police and military stopped a carload of armed men, who it described as foreigners, after which shots were fired...
"The gunmen were driving two taxis with their weapons hidden inside camera bags, he said."
On 17 January 2011, it was reported that a party of Swedish 'tourists' was attacked after being caught up in the ongoing violence in Tunisia.
They were in the country 'on a hunting holiday' - with weapons in the back of their vehicle. (Swedish tourists attacked in Tunisia unrest)
NATO special forces?
Israelis with stolen passports?
According to press reports A group of 20 Israelis were evacuated from Tunisia.
"A group of 20 Israelis was evacuated Saturday evening from Tunisia...
"This complicated mission was orchestrated by a number of Israeli authorities, including the foreign ministry.
"The tourists were first transferred ... to Germany and from there to Tel Aviv...
"In 2000, Tunisia decided to sever its relations and to close the Tunisian interest office in Tel Aviv and the Israeli Interest Office in Tunis...
"Netanyahu said the unrest in Tunisia illustrates the widespread instability plaguing the region and shows why Israel must be cautious as it pursues peace with the Palestinians."
When there were riots in Jakarta in May 1998, the military were mysteriously absent.
It is believed that the key general, Prabowo, was close to the CIA and Pentagon.
In Tunisia, the army were mysteriously absent for much of the time.
On 13 January 2011, the army withdrew from Tunis.
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