You try to watch a YouTube video which is 'non-commercial' and find that it buffers and buffers and buffers.
You switch to a YouTube video that is 'commercial' and find that it plays beautifully.
You Google 'CIA, Tunisia, voltairenet' and on the first page you find no mention of voltairenet's article on the CIA's role in the Tunisia coup.
You Google 'Tunisia revolt' and you are unlikely to find any mention of Soros or the CIA.
The CIA and its friends appear to be constructing a two tier internet.
Commercial stuff is in the top tier.
The rest is in the bottom tier and will be difficult to find and slow to upload.
At PCPRO, on 21 January 2011, the question is asked: Is the internet as we know it dead?
The answer involves:
"Websites and services that are willing to pay" being "thrust into the 'fast lane'".
"Those that don't" being "left fighting for scraps of bandwidth or even blocked outright."
According to Andrew Heaney, executive director of strategy and regulation at TalkTalk, Britain’s second biggest ISP:
"We have a .... differentiated network at all levels, with huge levels of widespread discrimination of traffic types..."
( Zen Internet doesn’t employ any traffic shaping across their network, and Zen has won the PC Pro Best Broadband ISP award for the past 7 years - Zen Internet)
Streaming video is the largest single category of internet traffic.
"Broadcasters willing to pay will be put into the 'fast lane'; those who don't will be left to fight their way through the regular internet traffic jams."
Anonymous brings our attention to: "Why does Google block "Bilderberg" from auto-complete?".
"I would like to know why Google blocks 'Bilderberg' from auto-complete when it has over 2 million search results. Could this have anything to do with Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, reportedly being in attendance for the 2009 Bilderberg meeting?"
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