Wednesday, December 22, 2010

We must keep Murdoch from Foxing-up UK public opinion, Vince or no Vince

The furore over poor Vince Cable's apparent Telegraph honey trap blurt is missing the point a bit.

The key thing for the country is that Vince is rightly against the Murdoch Empire expanding any further into our media. Murdoch has more than enough influence in our media: he owns the Times, Sunday Times, Sun and News of the World, and a 46% of BSkyB. Enough.

It is hard to believe that there are people who cannot see that Murdoch has too much influence. But they do exist, and the most important is Jeremy Hunt, who has been given responsibility for deciding whether Murdoch can acquire the whole of BSkyB.

The best counter argument to the Hunts of this world is to look at Fox News' record. Here is a critical record of Fox' 2010   OK, it's a long read. While reading it, just listen to this recording of Glen Beck, who is one of Fox News' anchormen.

Or take a look at Huffington's ten most egregious Fox News distortions.

Fox News is the pure, untrammelled, unregulated political voice of Rupert Murdoch.

Do we want this kind of hysterical right wing propaganda to be as influential in the UK as it is in the US?

I do not think we do.

Following the Fall of St Vince, Murdochisation is much closer. We are going to have to lobby hard to turn back the Murdoch tide.

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