Monday, December 13, 2010

A Toxic News Day

Leafing through the Guardian this morning leaves me feeling decidedly uneasy/queasy.

  • Suicide bomber in Sweden
  • MI5 helped kill civil rights lawyer Pat Finucane
  • Ugly protest violence provoked by fact that police blocked agreed march route
  • Police are restricting victims' access to the Coulson files
  • More media attention to Charles and Camilla than to the philosophy student Alfie Meadows, nearly killed by a police club
  • Mad pastor Terry Jones wants to come visit
  • WikiLeaks on corruption in Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan and Azerbaijan
  • Modern British attitudes are more Thatcherite than in the 1990s]
  • Parliament is without an effective opposition to the most toxic Government since Thatcher
  • Cancun
  • Berlusconi is clinging to power
  • and to round it all off, Peter Preston mentions the elephant in the room - overpopulation
This is all too much for me to digest today, so I am going to go to the post office and then collect some wood. And change the compost pail in the toilet. And therapeutic stuff like that.

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