On 28 December 2010, we read:
UK terror gang: Rabbits were targets
One of the men allegedly targeting the rabbits is Gurukanth Desai, the lead character of an Indian Hindi movie.
Another of the gang is Omar Sharif.
Indian among 12 held for UK terror plot
On 4 January 2010, Wayne Madsen, at Online Journal, had an article entitled: Intelligence sources: Plane incident a false flag involving trinity of CIA, MOSSAD and RAW.
According to Wayne Madsen:
1. The Christmas Day flight 253 event was a false flag operation carried out by the CIA, Mossad, and India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), according to Asian intelligence sources.
2. The CIA, Mossad, and RAW were behind the Mumbai Attacks of 2008.
3. On 28 December 2009, Rupee News reported the same three agencies, along with former Afghan KHAD intelligence agents, assassinated Benazir Bhutto.
The purpose being to destabilize Pakistan.
4. The eyewitness testimonies of Michigan attorney Kurt Haskell and his attorney wife Lori Haskell are being attacked by the corporate media.
Haskell and his wife witnessed a "well-dressed Indian man" arrange for Mutallab to board Delta 253 without a passport at the check-in desk at Schiphol.
Haskell told CBS News: "Only the Indian man spoke, and what he said was, this man needs to board the plane, and he doesn’t have a passport. And the ticket agent then responded saying you need a passport to board the plane, and the Indian man then said he's from Sudan. We do this all the time."
5. The security company that cleared Mutallab in Schiphol is ICTS, a firm that is headquartered in Israel and Amstelveen, Netherlands.
The firm also cleared attempted shoe bomber Richard Reid for a Miami-bound American Airlines flight from Paris in December 2001.
The Indian media (Headley's girlfriend crossed Wagah into India) tells us more about David Headley's 29-year-old Moroccan girlfriend-wife Faiza Outalha.
Indian investigators have found that Faiza travelled to Manali in Himachal Pradesh during a 2008 trip and befriended a US couple at the hill station.
The American couple also operated out of Goa, where they reportedly met Headley.
Israeli newspapers have said that Morocco's late king, Hassan II, allowed Mossad to set up a station in Morocco and develop close ties with Moroccan security forces. (King Hassan of Morocco: world leaders mourn a ruthless despot)
aangirfan: HEADLEY-GATE
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