Thursday, March 25, 2010

GACKT : Male only Live

Source MusicJapan+:
On March 21st, GACKT held his first live for male fans only at CLUB CITTA!
In his blog he wrote the morning of the live "I am going to put you all down to it! I'll put all my passion into it as well!"
The hall was eventually filled with 1,300 fans, probably enough to put passion into! ;)
And while the atmosphere was more than "manly", GACKT eventually said "Let me hear your heart screaming out for it!", while playing 13 songs in total!!

"This is also a place for expressions as men!"
This was the main feeling with which GACKT was holding this live this time, for his male fans only!
And while the excitement in the hall had been at a max, GACKT commented: "This had been a live to fly! "

Moreover he said:"I would like to become like this, so I can express these things as well. It's probably a small thing and although there are things I might not know, I will do the things GACKT can do!"
And with these words, he certainly stirred a few expectations, of what will come!

GACKT will also be going on his [GACKT YELLOW FRIED CHICKENs] nation wide tour starting in June and this time, his female fans will be able again to participate!

More specific information will be available in the following days so better stay tuned!!!

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