Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Asagi from D Collapses!!!! ;[

Source and credit to S-T via OHP

D has posted the following message on their OHP:

A notice of apology about the suspension of our 11th Ultimate lover performance

We were scheduled to have our 11th Ultimate lover performance on the night of January 17th at Nagoya E.L.L, however, during the performance, our vocalist ASAGI collapsed, and we unfortunately had to end the show.

The results of an exam showed that there are no serious ailments, so please do not worry.

We will update with our future plans in the upcomming days, as th

e details are decided.
As it is now needed, please wait for more information on customer support regarding the tickets for our upcoming schedule.

To all those who attended, to the fans who were planning coming [to our scheduled performances], and to all those connected to the band, we are sorry for the trouble and causing you to worry.

From the artists and the staff, we offer our deepest apologies.
We are truly sorry.
We all hope that everything will be okay! *thumbs up*

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