Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Paying respect to the students

Respect to all the students who demonstrated on the streets and occupied universities in protest at tuition fees, debts and cuts. Great tactics to run around to avoid kettling. And shame on those police officers who ordered illegal kettling and used violence against peaceful demonstrators. Pity that someone scrawled graffiti on Nelson's Column, because it gave the idiot far right commentators something to bleat about.

Here are some web resources:
There are reports of tazers (tasers) being used in Brighton. Well, Hove actually.

@: We've had confirmation from 2 independent sources tasers were used during the Brighton march.
UoB Occupation
We heard a huge amount of rumours of tasers being used. It only needs to be confirmed. Trying to source footage
Re taser 'use' - think 1st mention came from same bloke screaming about when nowt had happened
So it looks as if it may be an unfounded rumour.However, Brightonnocuts assert they have eyewitnesses, and call for investigation.

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