The periodic table lists 118 chemical elements differentiate. And yet, for thousands of years, humans have really, really liked one of them in particular: gold. And yet, for thou sands of years, humans have really, really liked one of Them in Particular: gold. Gold has been used as money for millennia, and its price has been going through the roof. Gold Has Been Used as money for millennia, and its price Has Been going through the roof.
Why gold? Why gold? Why not osmium, lithium, or ruthenium? Why not osmium, lithium, or ruthenium?
We went to an expert to find out: Sanat Kumar, a chemical engineer at Columbia University. We went to an expert to find out: Sanat Kumar, a chemical engineer at Columbia University. We asked him to take the periodic table, and start eliminating anything that wouldn't work as money. We asked him to take the periodic table, and start anything Eliminating That Would not work as money......read on
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