By Dr. Jim Willie:
Some prefatory stories are highly revealing. Bank of America is badly on the ropes. On the same weekend at the end of July, when the Bank For Intl Settlements executed a 340 ton gold swap contract, two other events happened. The London metals exchange apparently suffered coordinated delivery raids, all legal, but painful nonetheless, stripping the embattled exchange of much gold bullion. My source from the German banking fortress shared that the BIS might have rescued the London Bullion Market Assn, and thereby prevented a near default at the exchange. Spurious stories about aiding commercial banks, even the Portuguese central bank, were floated to distract the masses. The second event was that on the same weekend, Bank of America suffered a failure. But the USFed pulled it out of the fire by Monday morning with fresh huge infusions of funny money. This week, another $13 billion infusion came to BOA by way of much darker corners of USGovt agencies, from nether recesses. It is getting that bad! So BOA had been propped by the USFed and the USCongress in the past, but by the syndicate now. In time, they will remove the valued assets and exit the burning building. Unexpected consequences are sure to come, a fact of nature. The BOA story came after a prompted inquiry as to which banks might next succumb to the rising gold & silver prices. BOA was at the top of the list of banks mentioned, but others were mentioned too. They appear in the September Hat Trick Letter, the usual suspects.
My best description of QE2, the Quantitative Round #2 Launch, is simply stated a monetary cancer, an admission of failure, and the trigger for the next breakdown in the global monetary system. The QE2 Launch is a US flag flying upside down at the central bank command center. Imagine trying to justify printing money to cover debts, and retaining credibility. The belief stated by USFed Chairman Bernanke, that zero cost comes from printing money, is pure heresy with dire consequences. The cost is lost confidence in the monetary system, in the currencies, and in the central bank franchise system. The QE initiatives kill the requisite confidence. Thus the rise in the Gold price in response. The financial news anchors struggle to hide their growing awareness that gold is the safe harbor from a destroyed monetary system, wrecked currencies, discredited central banks, and insolvent banks. They are awakening, as are those in the investment community.
Three additional sides are revealed on the Quantitative Easing desperation. The Bank of England has a US plant residing within. Adam Posen is an American who sits on the Monetary Policy Committee at the bank. He inflamed concerns about monetary instability with a speech to the Chamber of Commerce in Hull on Tuesday. He urged the major central banks to pursue more aggressive bond buying in order to rescue the world economy from stagnation that persists. He spoke of the fear of looking ineffective from inaction, mitigated by usage of extreme tools. He actually said, "Thus, policymakers should not settle for weak growth out of misplaced fear of inflation." So there you have it, inflation full speed ahead. A clarion call to inflate. The risk is hyper-inflation. Their policies in the last cycle produced unforeseen problems. In fact, the central banks, in particular the USFed, fight the last war only to create the most monster, on a consistent basis, in a pattern of serial events. Their colossal monetary inflation is breaking all historical records. It is given political cover by virtue of doctored price inflation statistics to hide its chronic 5% to 7% range. Posen pushed for further monetary easing undertaken in the United Kingdom, even to the extent of corporate debt purchases. Of course, to keep the order, they should begin with simple UKGilt (bond) purchases. He acknowledged that a QE program will not be able to create sustained recovery on its own. He fears a 1990s Japan style scenario, when a collapse of the Western monetary system is the more possible ugly outcome. He advises more effective coordination of large scale asset purchases by the central banks working together. This is a trumpet call to the Competing Currency War, where peace is declared at first, but which will vanish in the din of a threatening crisis......read on
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