Thursday, October 28, 2010

China Prepares for a Post US$ World

Interesting comment from the NIA about the reduction in Chinese Silver exports and China encouraging it's citizens to SAVE in Gold & Silver, instead of SPENDING like the West. Of course this is a theme I have mentioned in this blog before and in articles written for mining journals.

Not only is China the 2nd largest miner of Silver in the world they are most likely the world largest smelter of Silver containing ores in the world, refining much of the world's lead, zinc and copper containing ores which approx. 80% of the world's mined Silver is produced from (as a by-product of smelting these base metal ores). As I reported in greater detail on my companion blog in February this year.

So not only is China reducing the exports of its own Silver, it is reducing the re-exportation of the world's Silver!

If any readers have come across other commentators or bloggers discussing the reduction in the re-exportation of smelted/refined ores, especially Silver from China please leave me a link in the comments section of this post or email me at:

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