Monday, June 1, 2009

Alice Nine: New Release and book.

Some news for all you alice nine. fans! alice nine. will be releasing a new single entitled, “華【hæ・nə】” (hana/flower) on August 5th. The single will be coming out in 3 different types, 2 with 2 tracks and a DVD for 1890 yen and the 3rd a regular edition for 1260 yen.

In addition to the release of their new single, they will also be releasing a book! This book will be entitled, “Piece of 5ive elements ‘THE BOOK’ ~Alice Nine 5th~” and it will be released on August 24th for 3150 yen. The book will contain 180 pages and the contents of the book will be a commemoration of the 5 years that alice nine. has been together with photos of lives, photos from back in their “visual” days and so forth.

Rxchaxl: ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! O.o I'm such a big A9 fan and I actually just died then *dies again* :33

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