Prince José (1761 – 1788) was heir to the throne of Portugal.
In 1777, when he was 15 years old, he married his 30-year-old aunt, Benedita.

She produced no children.
On September 11, 1788, José died, at the age of 27, from smallpox.

Princess Mariana (1768 – 1788) was the eldest daughter of Queen Maria I of Portugal.
In 1785, she married her mother's first cousin, Gabriel.

Mariana died of smallpox, aged 19.

Princess Carlota of Spain (1775 – 1830) was the eldest daughter of King Charles IV of Spain.
In 1785, at the age of 10, she married the future king of Portugal, John VI.
John was reportedly lazy, fat and almost as ugly as Carlota.
Carlota produced nine children and, "because they were all handsome, it was rumoured that especially the younger ones had a different father."
After a while Carlota and John lived separate lives, he at Mafra and she at Queluz, where, it was rumoured, she indulged in sexual orgies.
In 1826, when John was dying, Carlota refused to attend his deathbed and started the rumour that John had been poisoned by the Freemasons.

In 1714 George I, from 'Germany', became King of England. He is said to have arrived in England with two German mistresses, while his wife was in prison for adultery. (BBC NEWS History of Scandal)
The Belgian monarchy has been linked to the Dutroux scandal. (Belgian royal family dismisses paedophile claims over king ...)
Morocco's King Mohammed VI went to college in Brussels, Belgium, and reportedly hung out in gay bars there. (Mohammed VI of Morocco at AllExperts)

Erbprinz Albrecht von Bayern (1905-96) by Miss Mertens
Albrecht, a descendant of the Stuarts, was considered by some to be the rightful British monarch. At one time he and his family were imprisoned in the concentration camps of Sachsenhausen , Flossenbuerg and Dachau.
Manvendrasinh Gohil is a member of the royal family of Rajpipla, near Vadodara, in India. He told his parents he is gay.
‘'I came out as gay to a Gujarati daily because I wanted people to openly discuss homosexuality since it’s a hidden affair with a lot of stigma attached,’' says Gohil.
"It wasn’t long before the prince was dispossessed — two days ago, two different notices in a leading vernacular daily in Vadodara put an end to his claim to the family property." - Out of closet, royals cut out gay prince
Pastor Fred Phelps has set up a God hates Sweden website, celebrating the deaths of Swedes and describing Carl XVI Gustaf as 'King of Sodomite Whores'.
The website says "The popinjay King of Sweden - a moral titmouse in the plumage of a peacock, who lives lavishly with kids on Sweden's largest social security check - is King of Fags," - Anti-gay church condemns Swedish royals - Telegraph
The People newspaper revealed that a royal servant has starred in a gay porn film.
"According to The People, as well as appearing in the film, which was never released, Steve Kaye is keen to sell to the highest bidder his stories of orgies and drug taking at the palace.
"He claims that security is slack at Buckingham Palace, and that poorly paid servants often organize parties involving drugs and sex, despite senior royals being in attendance." - Queen's servant appeared in gay porn film

Prince Albert, also known as Prince Eddy, was the eldest son of the Edward Prince of Wales who became Edward VII.
Prince Albert was reportedly involved in the Cleveland Street Scandal of 1889.
This scandal involved a 'rentboy' brothel in London's Cleveland Street.
Public Record Office police papers and the letters of Lord Arthur Somerset apparently show that the Prince was involved with boys.
Prince Albert was reported to have died of pneumonia in 1892.
Alternative theories are that:
1. he died of syphilis.
2. he was given a morphine overdose.
3. he survived until the 1920s in an asylum on the Isle of Wight.
The scandal began when the police went to 19 Cleveland Street in London's West End to arrest 35 year old Charles Hammond and his 18 year old accomplice Henry Newlove. Hammond had fled but Newlove was found at his mother's house.
Henry Newlove implicated
1. Lord Arthur Somerset, head of the Prince of Wales' stables
2. The Earl of Euston
3. an Army Colonel.
Telegraph boys confirmed that Lord Somerset was a regular client.
There were hints that Prince Albert (Prince Eddy), was involved in the Cleveland Street affair.
Ernest Parke, the editor the The North London Press, wondered why Newlove and his associate escaped with 'light' sentences.
The paper paper named the Earl of Euston and Lord Somerset, and said they had been allowed to leave the country to cover up the involvement of someone "more distinguished and more highly placed."
The Earl of Euston sued Parke. Parke refused to reveal his sources and was sentenced to twelve months in prison.
There was a prosecution of Henry Newlove's defence lawyer, Arthur Newton, because he had warned Hammond to flee the country. Newton was convicted.
The judge declared that Newton had helped Hammond escape to prevent him from testifying against his aristocratic clients.
In 1890, Henry Labouchere, a radical MP, claimed in parliament that the Prime Minister had arranged for Lord Arthur Somerset to escape. The MPs voted 204 to 66 not to have an investigation.
The press reports on the Cleveland Street Scandal led to pressure for a crackdown on certain types of sexual activity. In 1895 Oscar Wilde was put on trial.
Anonymous brought our attention to:
Charles II, The Earl of Rochester, Johnny Depp
The typical right-wing militarist - Frederick the Gay
King Gustav V of Sweden
Nona: Kaiser Wilhelm II, Prince Eulenberg and Friedrich Krupp
The Duke and Duchess of Windsor
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