By The Mad Hedge Fund Trader: For the faithful who have crossed the desert and suffered the slings and arrows of critics and the ridicule of non believers, gold's move to an all time high of $1,276 delivers the greatest of all vindications. All it took was some comments by Ben Bernanke about quantitative easing triggering dollar weakness, and it was off to the races. It didn't hurt that the Indian wedding season, the largest annual purchaser of gold, is just beginning. Actually, it wasn't much of a desert, maybe more of a Zen rock garden, as the barbarous relic, (yes, Alison, it's barbarous, not barbaric) sold off for only six weeks, down to $1,155, before it resumed its recent ascent. The Chinese buying I predicted put a floor under the price much higher than traders anticipated, frustrating hoards of buyers lower down.....
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