by thedailybell.com: Just as Iran feels the bite of the new sanctions, Ahmadinejad's policy to phase out subsidies on staples such as fuel and food will be implemented in September. Together, these could have a significant economic impact, which could make Ahmadinejad more willing to return to talk. But after more than a year and a half in office, the Obama administration has had little effect in curbing Iran's nuclear ambitions, and there are questions about whether a fresh round of talks with Iran would offer anything but a stalling tactic for Iran as its nuclear program develops. If the international community is unable to stop Iran from going nuclear, the United States and its allies will be in for some tough choices before long. The United States and, more importantly, Israel have said they would be unable to live with a nuclear Iran. As that situation inevitability approaches, the military option looms. And that's a discussion Obama would probably like to avoid if he runs for re-election in 2012.....read on
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