Saturday, September 16, 2006

English Football Predictions

Sun 17 Sept

Chelsea v Liverpool
It will be an interesting match. There will be many ups and downs in the match. Unexpected turns can be seen. At last Chelsea will be the winner.

Blackburn v Manchester City

Manchester City will dominate over the Blackburn and Manchester City will be the winner.

Tot’ham v Fulham

It will be very interesting match. Ups and downs will be there. Either it can be a draw or Tot’ham will be the winner.

West Ham v Newcastle

This will be a tough match. Both the teams will show great talent. The match will be interesting. 60% chances are to be a draw or West Ham will be the winner.

Man Utd v Arsenal

It will be also be a very tough match. Both the teams will equalize up to the last minute. In extra time a divine light is following on Arsenal if Arsenal could grab this opportunity then Arsenal will be the winner otherwise the chances are the match will be a draw.

Copyright © Anita Nigam and Soccerphile

Premiership Betting


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