Saturday, January 14, 2006

The long awaited return of Bernie's Quiff and the continuing wet fart of Boro's season

Well, as I'm sure none of you have noticed or care but it has been rather a long time since these pages were graced with the wisdom and insight of Bernie's Quiff so after a move to London, a change in everything and a massive and near-crippling bout of laziness Him is here.

Today we play Arsenal at Highbury - it's come full circle since my last ramblings on here so it seems a good time to get started again. The last time I wrote on these revered pages was a time long ago, a happy time, last September in fact when the then mighty Boro had just beaten the Arse and not quite yet turned into the shitey Boro we're seeing now - so what's happened since then? Well for a start we're slipping into a relegation battle with 22 points, West Brom just below us and even Everton (for God's sake, Everton? I mean oway...)above us. We have managed to put together possibly the most inconsistent run of football seen since the dawn of time though, and that's got to be worth something right? erm...well...Have to admit, I'd be laughing if it was another team. And at least the mackems are still sitting ugly at the bottom.

So, we beat the Arse then what happened? A stormer of a run buoyed by that success, growing in confidence and experience every game? A 1-1 draw with Wigan then Sunderland beat us 2 nowt, their first win in nearly 2 years & 27 premiership games and giving them half of their total points now. Class that like. Then there was the dizzying heights at the end of October when we put in an amazing performance to beat Man U 4-1, and soon after getting beat a goal to nothing by Everton. McClaren's famous rotation system was stuck to rigidly without anyone wondering why we didn't stick to the lot that were winning occasionally instead of changing and getting beaten by the dregs of the table. And the slide continued - doing fine in the UEFA cup, beaten a lot in the league, knocked out of the Carling cup by Blackburn (??) then beaten off them again days later for a very merry Christmas all culminating recently by clinging on to a 1-1 draw with Nuneaton in the FA cup. All the while as we plummet down the league McClaren's thought we've been tremendous every performance. 0-0 draw with Man City - Tremendous. 2-0 pasting off Liverpool - Tremendous performance, can't fault the lads. And after the scintilating draw with Nuneaton - "It'll be a different game altogether at the Riverside" says sage-like Steve McClaren. Aye, Steve, I bet it will. Bet it's still shite though...

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