Saturday, January 30, 2010

J-Rock : o_o; things we should apparently know
source music japan+
Among Japanese Visual-Kei fans, many unique words are used. You can hear them often at live venues.... You might have come across them when getting interested in Visual-Kei! So do you know what they mean....?

Ok, so let's introduce some of the more complicated Visual-Kei words.

1. Korodai
=Roll over the crowd at live show

2. Hashi (Bridge)
=Jingu Bridge near Harajuku Station

4. Docen
=Do center (the middle at the front of the stage)

5. Bansha
=The car which the band members ride for transportation (Band is abbreviated as Ban 盤 (-> lit. board))

6. Te Ban
=To flap ones hands up and down along to the music

7. Kote-Kei
=A band with costumes fundamentally black and heavy

8. Te Sensu
= To move one's hands with a Japanese folding fan along music.

9. 麺Men
=Band member(Member=Men=麺)

edoh : ... i don't care what they call their car D: pshhhhh!

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