Monday, November 23, 2009

Edoh & Sorry I havn't been posting much lately

Keeping it short, I'm sorry I havn't been posting much lately.

If you've been reading the c-box on the right, its been one crazy jam packed month, and its been getting worst as we're coming to the end of november.
Not only is edoh going to be one year older [LOL, yehhh, im growing a beard and all ^ YEHHHHHH, thats me!], but its my final assessment in school meaning I will be graded on how awesome my work is this term. That grade will determine what result I'm going to get at the end of the year so I'm pretty damn scared and stressed out.

I have to have two presenation ready by tomorrow AND thursday, an essay in for next tuesday, one portfolio for thursday, and then a digital pdf on the same day in the afternoon.

maybe it doesnt sound like a lot, but yeh its affecting how much I post.

So wish me luck everybody, I think I'll be needing a lot of that :(
Thanks for reading to my rants and keep rockin' 8D
have some cake~!

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