Anyone that likes visual kei and J-rock can send in a fanletter for a chance to get it published in SHOXX. In your letter, you can write about your favorite bands, your favorite songs and write a message to the SHOXX readers in Japan. A portrait photo will published along with your letter, so don't forget to include a photo of yourself! You can email your letter to
Unfortunately, it's not possible to publish every letter we receive because of the limited space in SHOXX. Therefore, we will randomly select a letter. On the first of every month we will randomly pick one letter out of all the participants. The remaining letters will be saved for next month's draw, so you do NOT have to send in your letter again. Also, we cannot give you a copy of the SHOXX issue your letter is in. We will let you know which issue your letter will be in.
- Write about visual kei and J-rock bands (artists that SHOXX would feature in their magazine) only, not about other artists such as pop or urban artists.
- Use the font Century and size 10.5, the text should be around 100 lines long.
- The picture should be 5 cm x 5 cm, 150 dpi, around 1-3 MB. If you're not sure about the size, just take a picture with a digital camera (set on the highest resolution) and send us that, we will resize it.
- Don't list too many bands.
- The fanletter should have an overall positive tone, so please avoid negative comments.
- SHOXX is a magazine for teenagers, so write an easy to read message.
- Write your letter in understandable English! Non-English letters will not be read and are excluded from participation!
- If you are underage, you need to ask your legal guardian for authorization to participate.
- If you want to write about small indies bands, try to use the official romanization of band names and song titles. If you know how to write them in Japanese, please write them in Japanese, because the fan letter will be translated to Japanese eventually and it saves us time looking it up.
- If you don't know how to write the names of the bands/songs in Japanese, please list the URLs of the bands' official website.
- It is NOT allowed to put your email address or personal website (personal domain, Livejournal, MySpace etc.) in the letter. We decided this because previous letters participants received very inappropriate emails.
- Only letters that have been sent in BEFORE the end of the month will be eligible for the drawing.
- Don't send in a letter every month. If your letter didn't get picked, it will automatically be in the pool for next month.
- It might happen that there will be a month where in which there is no room for a fan letter in SHOXX.
- Send your letter to
- When your letter has been chosen, you will be notified by email.
- Use the following form for you letter:
Favorite bands and why you like them:
Favorite songs and why you like them:
Message to SHOXX readers:
The closer you follow these guidelines, the greater the chances of you getting your letter published in SHOXX. Good luck everyone!
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